Willie E. Bridgeforth GRI,REOS Merit Co. Inc, South
6120 Tutt Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80923
Phone  (719) 596-7800 Fax  (719) 596-1784

Mortgage Qualification Calculator

This calculator will help you to determine how much house you can afford and/or qualify for. Begin by clicking in the first entry field and follow the instructions that appear in the Help box.

Note: Keep in mind these are estimates only, there many other factors including credit history, lender policies, and more.

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Payment Information

Outputs (Monthly)

Qualifying Information

Outputs (Monthly)
Calculate Payment

Press the button below to create a report you can print out. Please allow up to 1-2 minutes for the report to process.

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Willie E. Bridgeforth,Jr GRI,MRP
Merit Co. Inc.
Ph: (719) 596-7800Fax:(719) 596-1784
6120 Tutt Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80923 US
CO DRE License # EA1320765
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